Are we the right fit for each other in business? If you answer yes to all five questions, we are possibly a good fit to help you get great results.

Do you have an existing marketing budget?

If the budget exists, things can move forward. But when an owner or CFO needs to be convinced to spend marketing dollars, projects stall.

Have you worked with other agencies?

If you answer “yes,” you will love working with our highly efficient systems and processes. We are better, faster, cheaper than anything you previously experienced. But if we are your first agency, you will be disappointed when you learn how expensive and difficult it is to execute campaigns.

Are you comfortable with the discomfort of doing something new and different?

Do you have a culture that rewards risk? Do you want to do something transformative? If you want comfortable, you can hire any agency. If you are willing to take a swing at transformative results, we are your team.

Do you believe marketing can change the entire company’s culture?

Do you see Marketing as the change agent for the whole company? Maybe for the whole industry? We believe the company’s value prop could change the reason employees understand and value their work. If you only want incremental sales, we are not your team.

Will you run marketing by measurable goals?

We believe the old adage, “What’s measured grows; what’s measured and reported grows exponentially.” Transparent SMART goals work. If you will involve other parts of your business (like finance, operations, and sales) and are willing to be transparent to company management about what works and what has failed, we believe your results will be exponential.